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Experience SIMcontrol with a Free Trial

Are you in search of a powerful SIM management solution for your business?

SIMcontrol is the leading Business SIM Management platform trusted by hundreds of companies for reliable cellular data connectivity

Join us in simplifying you company’s SIM management and take advantage of our exclusive free trial offer.

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Try SIMcontrol for free and unlock its full capabilities

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During your free trial, you’ll get to experience the full capabilities of SIMcontrol without any commitment or contracts. Here’s what you’ll receive:

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Free Trial SIM Cards: You’ll receive up to 5 complimentary SIM cards delivered straight to your address anywhere within South Africa. Choose from reliable network providers such as Vodacom, MTN, or IoT roaming providers.
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Flexible SIM Options: Discuss and select the SIM type that suits your project requirements from the following options: Managed Private APN, Business Prepaid, IoT Data Roaming
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Complete Package: Your free trial includes not only SIM cards but also an active SIMcontrol account, SIMcontrol fees, and test data credit. You’ll have access to these benefits for up to 2 calendar months. Excludes customized APN and firewalling setup.
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No Commitment: We understand the importance of flexibility. That’s why we don’t require any payment details or long-term commitments during the trial period. You can cancel your trial account at any time or choose to convert it into a standard account seamlessly.
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Testing for existing or new project deployments of 50+ SIMs
SIMcontrol is a business platform (not for personal SIM card management)
SIM & account setup requires company RICA/KYC registration